Not surprising as mainly Orchard is the main area that modeling agency would send their staff to stand around, and approached random stranger telling them how they have the potential to be a model, take down their name and contact number and give them their name card.
This time I was approached by Create Talents and I-Model.
In the past, I had about 2-3 name cards from I-Model, but I never bothered to check their company out. After all, I mean if they are an established modeling agency, why do they need to send their staff down to Orchard and approach random strangers to join their company.
Certainly if you are a good well-known company, you would not need to resort to such methods, even if the lack of models that you have.
It either mean that something is wrong that you do not have enough models, else it could be a scam.
After about two days later, I received a call from Create Talents, asking for an appointment with me for an interview. This greatly surprised me, as so far, none of the modeling companies called me for an appointment.
As such, I decided to head down and see what they plan to sell me with.
On Wednesday I headed down for my 2pm appointment and found that there was quite a number of people waiting in line for their interview.
Even after filling in the form, I was informed that I needed to wait for an hour before it was my turn to be interview. First thought was like 'what?'. If I needed to wait that long, shouldn't they have informed me earlier or make my appointment later.
Instead I had them to call me when it's my turn while I roamed around Dhoby Gaut.
Eventually at 3.10pm, I received a call and headed back to the agency to meet my interviewee.
I was led to another room, and she started her conversation, first from finding out more about me, to talking about random stuffs.
Somehow we ended up talking for half hour with no relevant to the modeling job, but of places in Malaysia (where she came from), and of a guy whom she worked with, that has modeled and studied before in Australia and how he set up his own event company and hired her models.
Finally we got down to business and she shown me the portfolio of what her company does, from photo shoot, to advertisement (picture and video), to events.
Indeed the event took my interest immediately, and especially when she mentioned about L'Oreal hair show. Why not. You're paid to do their hair show, and get free hair makeover as well by professional. Truly how awesome is that, and for me who loves to change hair color so often.
After showing all the portfolio, she started to explain to me the prices to be paid.
Naturally that is the part that I dreaded, but at the same time I'm curious just how much she plan to make me pay.
She first explained that I need to do about 5 photo shoots to first get my portfolio done, and the 5 themes are casual, elegant, trendy, executive and bridal. After the photo shoot, she would print 500 copies of the pictures to send out to companies to see if they would pick me for their commercial.
And if after the 500 is done giving out, the agency would print out another 500 for free.
Now for the prices...
To do the 5 photo shoots, it would cost $870 in total. And that would include a professional makeup artist and professional photographer.
If I am unable to afford these, I would do 3 photo shoot first, which would cost $470 instead.
And for the printing of 500 copies, it is $5 per copy. The company would subside and pay $2000 on my behalf while I have to fork out the remaining $500 on my own. That $500, on the other hand, is able to be deduced from my future pay. The photo shoot, however, is unable to be done so by that method.
But she did mention again that if ever I want the company to pay for everything, I have to sign a two year contract which mean I would be a full-time model, and every job that comes in, I have to do them whether I like it or not. No rejecting them.
So it's a two way options, either you pay out of your own pocket and have the choice to choose which job you want to model for, or sign a two year contract, pay nothing but no decision in deciding which model job you want or don't want to do.
And she was trying to get me to pay some money then on the spot for the $870. Still said that I don't have to go to discuss with my parents since I'm above 21. LOL.
In the end, I just told her that I would consider the offer and give a call back by Thursday.
After the experience, in my person opinion, I still think it's a scam even if they have done many advertisement and commercial for many companies. From what they have shown me, they have worked a lot with SingTel and L'Oreal which are said to be well-recognized companies. If such, why do they still have to resort to such methods to get models. And how many people that they interviewed actually believed and sign up for the contract to be a model?
I know how the job title of a model might be something that girls would like to be, it shows that that they have the looks, the height and the figure to be a model. And how they have professional artist making them beautiful and photographers to snap the perfect pictures for them.
Still, also with the influence from shows like 'America Next's Top Model' do leave an impression on girls.
That's just my personal opinion on modeling companies, what's yours?